
collection & marketing of bamboo
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Bamboo is also a nationalized product in Odisha since 1988. The collection and marketing of Bamboo from the natural forest is done by the OFDC Ltd either directly by itself or through the RMP (Raw Material Procurer) as per the decision of the Government. To regulate the collection and trade of Bamboo, Odisha Govt has formed a High-Powered Committee. Before start of a working season (October to June), the high power committee decides the various modalities for working of bamboo coupes in Forest, which include operational cost, royalty to be paid to the government, cost to be paid by purchaser for Silvicultural operation and commission to be paid to the OFDC Limited.

Bamboo in Odisha
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Bamboo in Odisha is mainly classified into two categories one as industrial bamboo, which is used for industrial purpose or by the paper mill, and the other is called as the commercial bamboo used mainly for household and other works as well as for rural artisans. The annual production potential of Bamboo in Odisha is estimated to be around 4,00,000 MT.

The cutting of Bamboo is regulated by cutting rules as prescribed by the government and after cutting proper steps are taken to develop the bamboo clumps by doing Silvi-cultural Operation. It is mandatory under the provision of working plan that out of the total production of Bamboo, about 5% commercial bamboo are extracted to meet the local demand of rural tribal & artisans of the society. These bamboos are stacked and kept separately at the convenient depot to supply to the rural artisan and others on a subsidized rate. Transportation of Bamboo both in commercial as well as industrial is done through a valid permit issued by the authorized agent of Forest Department.

Industrial Bamboo Coupes are worked by OFDC Ltd either by itself or through Raw Material Procurers (RMPs) selected through National Bidding Process. In case of working by the RMPs, the Bamboo coupes are delivered to the RMP by the forest department through OFDC Limited. A minimum target of production division wise is also fixed for each Forest Division. After taking deliveries of the Bamboo coupes from the OFDC limited, the RMP starts extracting Bamboo from the forest Coupes and transport to the depots of the OFDC Limited. Thereafter RMPs are allowed to take delivery after clearance of dues.

Industrial Bamboo Coupes are worked by OFDC Ltd either by itself or through Raw Material Procurers (RMPs) selected through National Bidding Process.

In case of working by the RMPs, the Bamboo coupes are delivered to the RMP by the forest department through OFDC Limited. A minimum target of production division wise is also fixed for each Forest Division.

After taking deliveries of the Bamboo coupes from the OFDC limited, the RMP starts extracting Bamboo from the forest Coupes and transport to the depots of the OFDC Limited. Thereafter RMPs are allowed to take delivery after clearance of dues.

Harvesting of Long Bamboo is done by OFDC Ltd and sell it to general public and Bamboo artisan at a rate as decided by the High Power Committee on Bamboo.

The Production quantity of Industrial Bamboo and Commercial Bamboo during last five years are shown below :

Year No.of Coupes Worked Production of
Industrial Bamboo (in SU) Commercial Bamboo (in nos.)
38 3213.57 52304
72 17748.40
37 4587.00 369590
37 9268.45 449413
2018-19 32 3748.78 306562
2019-20 23 3860.48 294663